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Website Design for Small and Local Businesses

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Affordable website design for small businesses in local areas
Yes! You CAN afford a website if you're a small business! LT Web Designs caters specifically to the small business market offering website design and social media marketing services at an affordable rate that ANY small business owner can afford! Websites are FULLY functional, search engine optimized, mobile phone and tablet optimized AND look gorgeous! I am a small business owner myself, so I UNDERSTAND the limited budget most small business owners are operating under. That's WHY I created LT Web Designs! I believe EVERY small business owner should be able to have a smart, beautifully designed website for a FRACTION of the cost bigger companies charge! Plus, I am LOCAL and can service my clients quickly and easily with a visit or phone call whenever they need me! Check out my references and give me a call - I LOVE small businesses and will work HARDER for you than anyone else!