Even after the recovery some patients are suffering from the fever, the terrible cough, the breathlessness is called as Long Covid Syndrome Symptoms.
There are wide range of symptoms of Long Covid Syndrome can appear such as fever, fatigue, breathlessness and other physical and psychological effects. The virus can also affect many systems within the body from the lungs to the heart to the kidneys.
If you have had COVID-19 or any symptoms, contact us. We provide you the best care and suitable treatment. Our expert physicians can skillfully manage your Lost-Covid Syndrome symptoms.
We are proud to be one of the first post COVID-19 centers in Texas. We provide both locally and internationally care via telehealth. For more details, call on +1 (469) 545-9983.
We’re always here to help. You can drop us a line at feedback@postcovidcenters.com and we’ll take care of you.